Archive for January, 2022

Another year,Another Hope

Posted in Uncategorized on January 3, 2022 by ALICE AND SMOKY KICKING IT THUR TIME.

It’s just one more year,last year was the pitts.Hope this year will amount to all the dreams we have been saving up for.In the last few years i have lost so much,wondering if i will ever get it back.Ilearned one thing for sure.You can lose friends as quick as you meet them.I had a friend for over thirty years,then one day gone she was gone.I will never,ever forget the way she really makes me feel inside.She is the real reason why i do what i do for myself.She gave me purpose when i knew i had nothing.She gave me priorities when ihad nothing to look forward to.I will not let that slip away from me,EVER.Thankyou LJ….