Archive for April, 2015


Posted in Uncategorized on April 10, 2015 by ALICE AND SMOKY KICKING IT THUR TIME.

Solomon is purported to have been the wisest man that ever lived,but he didn’t start out that way.His unusual wisdom was a gift from God-a gift he received in response to an unusual prayer.The setting of that prayer is recorded i I Kings3;  No one starts out in life saying “My plan is to succeed and then crash and burn near the end.So why does it happen to so many people-even Christian leaders?Alice and i talked about it.We thought it’s because they fail to maintain the spiritual priorities that brought them their initial success.Sometimes i think the greatest doers of evil in the world have been men who thought they could never do it.As a boy,Napoleon wrote an essay on the evils of ambition.asked to sign his first death warrant,Nero said he wished he’d never learned to write.Just remember Alice,sometimes that parachute doesn’t open.Just a thought before we all go down for the night,may yours be super and remember we love you all.Don’t forget to love yourself.GODSPEED!!!114003_10204530892286751_35310174079046631_n